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This post is just one long list of reasons why I don't engage with sm at all. It's a machine, designed to literally exhaust content creators while making large profits for billion dollar companies. I wish the concept would die so the world could know peace quite honestly. We used to have it as late as the early 90's. You could actually get away from advertising back then.

With transhumanism on the rise you can look forward to brands colonising your brain whether you want them to or not. Social media is not a social good. It's a terrible poison that has told an entire generation of young people that fame is more important than privacy, that working for free is working for themselves, that creating content for a company that could afford to pay them for it, but just doesn't was a great idea.

Sorry not sorry for these thoughts. If you have to detox from something it probably has no valid place in your life to begin with.

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